You are here: Customers > Customer Transactions > Unallocated Adjustment

Unallocated Adjustment

This function can only be accessed by adding a Customer to a sale, pressing the '>>>' button at the top of the screen then pressing the Unallocated Adjustment button towards the bottom-right corner of the screen.

No details of individual invoices will be displayed in the window, and you have the opportunity to enter a value to adjust the account as either positive or negative.



Enter the total amount you would like to make as an adjustment, toggle positive or negative by pressing the +/- button. One will be a +credit, the other will be a -debit.

Press the Enter button and a confirmation window will open giving you the details of the adjustment totals.

After confirming the adjustment, a receipt will be printed showing the details of the adjustment.


Unallocated Debit Adjustment





Unallocated Credit Adjustment